Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hearing the Stories to Come...

It was great to hear all the 'pitches' last night. I am excited to read what will come in the next few weeks. It was also good for me to hear the questions I should be asking myself. Those questions like: "Who is this play about?", "What's the worst that can happen?", and "What are the stakes?" are so key in focussing the work and often when you get stuck in the writing, those are the questions that you need to ask to get yourself to move forward. I can't do much writing today because of looming work deadlines, but I am anxious to go back to my script this weekend to ask myself those necessary questions and push it along to the next step.

*submitted by Kristen

1 comment:

  1. I think I need to print the questions across my brain. It is good to have so many different points of view--although I can get a bit confused. I am finding that this will take more work than I anticipated but when I can, as you do, Kristen--remind myself of the questions to ask--I believe it helps me to move forward. "How do the other characters help Alix to get out of the life she is in"? and "How do I make these characters real and breathing"? Because they are and they do have a point. I have been distracted this week--absorbing the new information and thinking about playing games and rules. Now I must work on putting finger to computer to work on the backstories and the script.
    I think "pitching" a story is not one of my attributes. Or, it is something that I find intimidating and am never sure that what I say makes any sense. For whatever reason I find it more difficult than the writing itself. I just figured that one out.


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