Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week #3/4-

I apologize for getting behind on my 'weekly' questions...
Let's catch up here as I post a double-whammy- a question and a statement for you to comment on.
The conversation has been great so far, keep the comments coming!!

OK, many of you went to see the play RACE by David Mamet last week. Here is a quote from him:
"Rhythm is meaning." Discuss

Secondly, my last blog question to you all was about character creation and hearing your characters' voices. Inspired by David Mamet, who is a master at writing dialogue, I have the following question for you:
How do you approach writing dialogue? Do you find that you can hear the voices of your characters and simply let them talk, or do you have a more planned-out approach, plotting out what they need to say for the desired effect for the play?

Looking forward to reading your responses...
Hope the development on your plays is coming along smoothly.
See you soon!

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